Article: Infovis on Animation
http://www.infovis.net/printMag.php?num=163&lang=2 schrieb / wrote: Article: Infovis on Animation: This article from Infovis provides a brief on the two main uses of animation: visual narrative and process visualization. However, my takeaway from this article is this description, which makes for a good definition of an interactive: ‚The ensemble of visualization, animation and interaction make a very…
Infographic: Massacre in Madrid – Power of Visualisation
http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/cat_information_design.asp schrieb / wrote: Massacre in Madrid: This issue of Infovis analyzes the power of infographics to inform and explain the Madrid massacre. http://www.infovis.net/E-zine/2004/num_142.htm phpBB(Topic424|Post557)