Article: Infovis on Animation
http://www.infovis.net/printMag.php?num=163&lang=2 schrieb / wrote: Article: Infovis on Animation: This article from Infovis provides a brief on the two main uses of animation: visual narrative and process visualization. However, my takeaway from this article is this description, which makes for a good definition of an interactive: ‚The ensemble of visualization, animation and interaction make a very…
Concept: Bar Graphs
http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/006986.asp schrieb / wrote: Concept: Bar Graphs: Wonderful stuff, as usual, from Infovis. This time the subject is bar graphs. ‚Bar graphs or bar charts are ubiquitous visual representations, but they are not always correctly used and many times we don’t get the most out of them. We review here their essence, properties and utilization.‘…
Concept: Sparklines
http://www.edutech.ch/forum/viewtopic.php?p=118 schrieb / wrote: Concept: Sparklines: Sparklines are word-like graphics that are integrated into text in a natural way, adding the insight than in many occasions the words themselves can not convey. When we think about a graphic, like for example a bar or pie chart, we tend to consider them as auto consistent entities,…