Pixilation Task Revisited

For „Yogilation – A Pixelated Yogi in Pixilation“ I videotaped myself practicing yoga and extracted the relevant frames with VLC (hotkeys „e“ for frame by frame navigation and „Ctrl+s“ for snapshot).

I recycled the accordion music from my „Pixilation Task“, reversed it and applied the effect „Paulstretch“ with Audacity. For the graphical effects (brightness, contrast and pixelation) I used the command-line:

# Apply brightness and contrast to each frame
for i in *.png; do convert -brightness-contrast 11x22 $i $i; done
# Apply the pixelation effect to each frame
for i in *.png; do convert -scale 10% -scale 1000% $i $i; done
# Merge individual frames to video
avconv -framerate 12 -f image2 -i %04d.png -b 16000k video.mov

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