birdy1976: RT @foxfabi: while (1) { RTFM; }
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birdy1976: Wie viel #Informatik braucht der #Mensch? Dienstag, 12. März 2013, 16.00 Uhr, Hotel #Schweizerhof, #Bern (cc @mwoodtli) http://t.co/cFkyIBdu
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birdy1976: Create & share visual ideas online, vhemes are #visual themes, drag & drop a #vheme onto your canvas for easy #creation http://t.co/8Rtaviru
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birdy1976: People are awesome (video by #Motivade with the song "Far away" by #H3Ctic) #inspiration #motivation #youtube http://t.co/icBrHScH
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birdy1976: #Bechdel test: (1) It has to have at least two women in it (2) who talk to each other (3) about something besides a man http://t.co/f15QZkUM
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birdy1976: RT @msauter: Der Tagi stellt ausführlich das Open Source Vektorgrafik-Programm #Inkscape vor. http://t.co/fxJ2U4Wz
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birdy1976: Why you should work from a coffee shop, even when you have an #office (by @wesleyverhoeve cc #hwz #ict) #creativity http://t.co/F1S20HzO
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birdy1976: #Immersion: video of people as they play video games, use the internet and watch TV (by @BitMechanic cc @mwoodtli) http://t.co/JOLe6dJD
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birdy1976: 2012 was big for @MailChimp – their #marketing team put together a spiffy annual report that reveals the details http://t.co/qpMIHEkp
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birdy1976: 20 tips for creating a #pln – networking is a prime form of 21st century #learning (by @miriamoclifford via @foxfabi) http://t.co/HiuYs9Lb
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