Video: Master Plan – About the power of Google
http://cblinux.fh-hagenberg.at/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=548 schrieb / wrote: Video: Master Plan – About the power of Google: Master Plan, a short movie about the power of Google, is created with 2D and 3D animation and provides information about Googles services and its research in genetics and molecular biology. http://masterplanthemovie.com/ phpBB(Topic406|Post3297)
Google: You ain’t seen nothin‘ yet
http://www.kurzweilai.net/news/news_single.html?id=6974 schrieb / wrote: Google: You ain’t seen nothin‘ yet: Financial Post, July 3, 2007: Google Inc. has been putting together a massive cable network that could provide customers around the world with telecommunications services ranging from broadband Internet to home and mobile phones. Google has reportedly approached the Federal Communications Commission recently about obtaining…
Article: Is Google’s data grinder dangerous?
http://www.kurzweilai.net/news/news_single.html?id=7014 schrieb / wrote: Article: Is Google’s data grinder dangerous? L.A. Times, July 12, 2007: Having successfully become our personal librarian, Google now wants to be our personal oracle. It wants to learn all about us, know us better than we know ourselves, to transform itself from a search engine into a psychoanalyst’s couch or…
Article: Google’s One-Stop Search to Yield Text and Images
http://www.kurzweilai.net/news/news_single.html?id=6802 schrieb / wrote: Article: Google’s One-Stop Search to Yield Text and Images: Google’s new "universal search" combines results from its established Web search service with offerings that help users find videos, images, maps, and even excerpts from books. http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2007/05/universal-search-best-answer-is-still.html phpBB(Topic406|Post3163)
Article: Coming Soon from Google: Cross-Language Searches
http://www.kurzweilai.net/news/news_single.html?id=6805 schrieb / wrote: Article: Coming Soon from Google: Cross-Language Searches: Ggogle’s new Cross Language Information Retreival service allows anyone to find any document in any language. Google handles the translation on the fly. It’s a technology that it says will "break the language barrier" for Google’s international audience. http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/2007/05/coming_soon_fro.html phpBB(Topic406|Post3162)
Article: Google Meme: Hot Trends Added To Google Trends
http://www.kurzweilai.net/news/news_single.html?id=6819 schrieb / wrote: Article: Google Meme: Hot Trends Added To Google Trends: The Google Trends home page http://www.google.com/trends/ now has a section named "Hot Trends," which shows the hottest queries for the day. The trends history also shows data by country, state, and city, worldwide. http://searchengineland.com/070522-000001.php phpBB(Topic406|Post3161)
Article: Google’s goal to organise your daily life
http://www.kurzweilai.net/news/news_single.html?id=6821 schrieb / wrote: Article: Google’s goal to organise your daily life: Google envisages a day when it can tell people what jobs to take and how they might spend their days off, says CEO Eric Schmidt. The race to accumulate the most comprehensive database of individual information has become the new battleground for search…
Google: Eigene Karten in Google-Maps
Lehrerrundmail 04/2007 schrieb / wrote: Google: Eigene Karten in Google-Maps: Google Maps bietet jetzt unter dem Punkt "Meine Karten" eine einfache Moeglichkeit, eigene Ortsmarken, Linien oder Flaechen in beliebige Karten einzuzeichnen, mit Beschriftungen und Erklaerungen zu versehen und grafisch anzupassen. Bisher war man dazu auf Drittanbieter oder eigene Programmierkuenste angewiesen. So ist es nun ein…
Initiative: Google startet Online-Sicherheits-Blog
http://www.heise.de/security/news/meldung/90036/ schrieb / wrote: Initiative: Google startet Online-Sicherheits-Blog: Google will Anwendern das Thema Online-Sicherheit näher bringen und hat dafür ein eigenes Blog http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com/ gestartet. Das Unternehmen stellt darin unter anderem Maßnahmen vor, die es ergriffen hat, um Anwender besser zu schützen. Der erste Eintrag in dem Blog behandelt vor allem die geographische Verteilung von Webseiten…
Fun: Googlefight
http://elearning.phtg.ch/blog/bulletin/index.php/2007/05/16/googlefight/ schrieb / wrote: Fun: Googlefight: Googlefight ist eigentlich ein lustiges kleines Tool, welches zwei Stichwörter, welche man in der Suchmaschine Google eingibt, gegeneinander antreten lässt. Das Stichwort mit den meisten Treffern gewinnt natürlich. Der Fight wird mittels zwei Strichmännchen grafisch ausgetragen. Es gibt viele Leute, die v.a. bei Rechtschreibunsicherheiten immer mehr zuerst Google statt…