Article: The 8 Types of Navigation Pages
http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/007289.asp schrieb / wrote: Article: The 8 Types of Navigation Pages: Another good article by Jared Spool on the different types of navigation pages that users encounter: ‚As we’ve watched users search for their desired content, we’ve realized there are patterns to the pages we see. We’ve started to catalogue these patterns and have concluded…
Material: Skills For Access
http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/007176.asp schrieb / wrote: Material: Skills For Access: This is a comprehensive resource for creating accessible multimedia for e-learning. (via elearnspace). http://www.skillsforaccess.org.uk/ phpBB(Topic877|Post1985)
Tutorial: Communicating Error Messages Accessibly
http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/007182.asp schrieb / wrote: Tutorial: Communicating Error Messages Accessibly: Nice tutorial. Read the followup in the comments section. http://standards-schmandards.com/index.php?2005/06/25/21-accessible-errors phpBB(Topic877|Post1980)
Article: Jacob Nielson on Scroll Bars, Flash or not
http://www.edutech.ch/forum/viewtopic.php?p=227 schrieb / wrote: Article: Jacob Nielson on Scroll Bars, Flash or not: Nielson says don’t bother building custom scrollbars in Flash, use the ones provided with UIComponents. If you must make your own, make them fit user expectations. http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20050711.html phpBB(Topic877|Post1951)
Artikel: Keep It Simple and Stupid
http://www.bildungstechnologie.net schrieb / wrote: Artikel: Keep It Simple and Stupid: Die allermeisten Seiten im Netz sind für Behinderte schlecht nutzbar. Die Bundesregierung und das W3C wollen dies ändern. Folgt die Wirtschaft? Wem ist es noch nicht passiert, dass er beim Navigieren den falschen Verweis geklickt hat, weil die Links zu eng gesetzt waren? Das bunte…
Accessibility: Apple’s VoiceOver
http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/007111.asp schrieb / wrote: Accessibility: Apple’s VoiceOver: OS X Tiger ‚introduces VoiceOver, an accessibility interface that gives you magnification options, keyboard control and spoken English descriptions of what’s happening on screen. If you have a visual impairment, VoiceOver enables you to work collaboratively with other Mac users or work on their computers without assistance.‘ http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/voiceover/…
Artikel: Usability in E-Learning
http://www.weiterbildungsblog.de/archives/000749.html schrieb / wrote: Artikel: Usability in E-Learning: Einige kurze und einfache Wahrheiten zum Thema wie ‚know your learners and address the fact that they represent diverse backgrounds with different characteristics‘ oder ‚Understand that usability is a process‘. Michael J. Miller, Learning Circuits, Januar 2005. Auf diesen Artikel und noch viele mehr weist der aktuelle…
Article: Accessibility From The Ground Up
http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/007031.asp schrieb / wrote: Article: Accessibility From The Ground Up: This is a nice primer on accessibility issues. http://www.digital-web.com/articles/accessibility_from_the_ground_up/ phpBB(Topic877|Post1432)
Article: Acting on User Research
http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/006958.asp schrieb / wrote: Article: Acting on User Research: Jakob Nielsen on the need to act on user research studies: ‚User research won’t generate an additional penny of profit unless you understand it and act upon it.‘ http://useit.com/alertbox/20041108.html Related topic: Usability: Article: What is Usability? http://b76.ch/?s=Topic877 phpBB(Topic896|Post1182)
Article: What is Usability and Accessibility?
http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/006953.asp schrieb / wrote: Article: What is Usability? An in-depth article about the role of usability in design. ‚There is some confusion about what usability is and whether businesses are ‚doing usability‘ or not. There are many aspects to usability – more than just running a usability test at the end of a project. This…