birdy1976: People are awesome (video by #Motivade with the song "Far away" by #H3Ctic) #inspiration #motivation #youtube http://t.co/icBrHScH
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birdy1976: @tobruzh ich verwende #awesome (noch) nicht, war mir vor dem Talk gar nicht in den Sinn gekommen, dass ich so etwas brauchen könnte 😉
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birdy1976: #awesome is a highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X (lightning talk at @rmll2012) #rmll http://t.co/Au7L9hwE
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birdy1976: People Are Awesome: Compilation on #YouTube of awesome people doing incredible things. Music: Mecha Love by Hadouken http://icio.us/ojyfbd
birdy1976: People Are Awesome: Compilation on #YouTube of awesome people doing incredible things. Music: Mecha Love by Hadouken http://icio.us/ojyfbd