Nachhaltigkeitswoche 2015 #nhw15
Am Montag (Innovation) startet die Nachhaltigkeitswoche mit dem Kick-off Brunch an der Uni Zürich. Danach gibt es den Film „The New Industrial Revolution: Waste = Food“ an der ETH, dort werden die Konzepte „Cradle to Cradle“ (Recycling 2.0) und „Waste = Food“ (kompostierbarer Abfall) vorgestellt. Am Dienstag (Faulheit) lerne ich im Toni-Areal „Techniken der Faulheit“ bei…
birdy1976: People are awesome (video by #Motivade with the song "Far away" by #H3Ctic) #inspiration #motivation #youtube http://t.co/icBrHScH
Original-Tweet-Status (OTS)
birdy1976: Try something new for 30 days (by @mattcutts on @tedtalks) #change #inspiration #motivation #learning #talk #writing http://t.co/WbaJPqgC
birdy1976: Try something new for 30 days (by @mattcutts on @tedtalks) #change #inspiration #motivation #learning #talk #writing http://t.co/WbaJPqgC
birdy1976: Your problem isn’t motivation: if you want to follow through on something stop thinking (by @peterbregman cc #hwz #ict) http://t.co/FppDE8OZ
birdy1976: Your problem isn’t motivation: if you want to follow through on something stop thinking (by @peterbregman cc #hwz #ict) http://t.co/FppDE8OZ
birdy1976: Science proves that #intrinsic #motivation works better than #extrinsic rewards (by @danielpink) #TED http://icio.us/o24y0n
birdy1976: Science proves that #intrinsic #motivation works better than #extrinsic rewards (by @danielpink) #TED http://icio.us/o24y0n