birdy1976: @philippkueng 2 Kollegen erzählen immer davon, um nicht nur Bahnhof zu verstehen, belege ich #FPGA 101 (again) #29c3 https://t.co/1oO16o7b
Original-Tweet-Status (OTS)
birdy1976: Send #SMS messages from #terminal now with #CoopMobile and #eCall (cc @frescogamba @jazoza @philippkueng) #linux http://t.co/7blTlew1
Original-Tweet-Status (OTS)
birdy1976: Send #SMS messages from #terminal now with #CoopMobile and #eCall (cc @frescogamba @jazoza @philippkueng) #linux http://t.co/7blTlew1
Original-Tweet-Status (OTS)
birdy1976: RT @philippkueng: Thanks @AdrianKuendig for putting my @trainshare talk at the @opendataCH conference up. http://t.co/BkxTXRIV OMG so em …
Original-Tweet-Status (OTS)
birdy1976: #Howto use @github to contribute to #opensource projects (by @eddieringle with @chacon cc @philippkueng) #git #guide http://t.co/ovkBBeky
birdy1976: #Howto use @github to contribute to #opensource projects (by @eddieringle with @chacon cc @philippkueng) #git #guide http://t.co/ovkBBeky
birdy1976: Just registered for today’s #API Roulette #Hackathon @ZurichGTUG (cc @philippkueng @alainp) I’m feeling lucky
birdy1976: Just registered for today’s #API Roulette #Hackathon @ZurichGTUG (cc @philippkueng @alainp) I’m feeling lucky
birdy1976: @ZurichGTUG thx for the warm welcome, but where will we meet? Here? http://t.co/IrHBana (cc @philippkueng @alainp)
birdy1976: @ZurichGTUG thx for the warm welcome, but where will we meet? Here
birdy1976: @philippkueng habe den #Dokumentarfilm "When We Left #Earth: The #NASA Missions" auf #YouTube gefunden http://icio.us/EfsYRt
birdy1976: @philippkueng habe den #Dokumentarfilm „When We Left #Earth: The #NASA Missions“ auf #YouTube gefunden http://icio.us/EfsYRt
birdy1976: RT @philippkueng: 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.#twittboat #training
birdy1976: RT @philippkueng: 1..
birdy1976: @philippkueng kannst du mir bitte die Infos zum #Twitter-Team fürs #Drachenboot-Rennen schicken? http://icio.us/X09O1D
birdy1976: @philippkueng kannst du mir bitte die Infos zum #Twitter-Team fürs #Drachenboot-Rennen schicken? http://icio.us/X09O1D