birdy1976: Create & share visual ideas online, vhemes are #visual themes, drag & drop a #vheme onto your canvas for easy #creation http://t.co/8Rtaviru
Original-Tweet-Status (OTS)
birdy1976: [#Moodle Alert] #ConversionThingy, #OpenMeetings, Synchronous Learning, #Themes http://bit.ly/mFRzS7 (News auf moodle.ch)
birdy1976: [#Moodle Alert] #ConversionThingy, #OpenMeetings, Synchronous Learning, #Themes http://bit.ly/mFRzS7 (News auf moodle.ch)
birdy1976: Struggling for the first time with #Moodle 2.0 #themes #development I found this useful document 🙂 #HTML #CSS http://icio.us/Cl3RFm
birdy1976: Struggling for the first time with #Moodle 2.0 #themes #development I found this useful document 🙂 #HTML #CSS http://icio.us/Cl3RFm
birdy1976: #Sammlung kostenloser #Moodle-#Themes. Kennst du andere Angebote? Ja? Bitte schick sie mir, damit ich sie ergänzen kann http://bit.ly/anDbCN
birdy1976: #Sammlung kostenloser #Moodle-#Themes.