Survey: Informal learning is preferred
http://www.elearningpost.com/blog/informal_learning_is_preferred/ schrieb / wrote: Survey: Informal learning is preferred: Here is something we’ve known for a long time, but nice to have some figures supporting the lines: For the survey (Practice Makes Perfect), a sample of 2,076 workers in the UK were asked which of ten ways of learning were helpful in learning to do…
Article: Learning More While Working
http://www.elearningpost.com/blog/learning_more_while_working/ schrieb / wrote: Article: Learning More While Working: This CIO article states what we already know for a long time – corporate training is not enough and is not effective as it is made out to be: "I have 20 percent that seem to find a way to take advantage of every opportunity for…
Article: Informal Learning
http://www.elearningpost.com/blog/informal_learning/ schrieb / wrote: Article: Informal Learning: Jay Cross has written a nice entry on the impact of informal learning in the workplace: "From now on, it might be more productive to think of learning as adaptation to change than as acquisition of knowledge. Learning enables you to participate successfully in life, at work and…
Liste: Welche Vorteile bietet eLearning?
www.dynamicmedia.at schrieb / wrote: Liste: Welche Vorteile bietet eLearning? Für den Unternehmer: Geringere schulungsbedingte Abwesenheitszeiten der Mitarbeiter Reduzierte Reisekosten Reduzierte Raum- und Trainerkosten Geringere Druck- und Lagerkosten für Trainingsunterlagen Einfache Aktualisierung von Inhalten Intensivierung des internen Wissensaustausches Für den Mitarbeiter: Freie Zeiteinteilung Örtliche Ungebundenheit Permanente Verfügbarkeit Bedarfsorientiertes Lernen Spaß am Lernen durch Interaktivität, Community, Edutainment…
Interview: Informelles Lernen im Betrieb
Google Alert CBT schrieb / wrote: Interview: Informelles Lernen im Betrieb: Mitarbeiter in wissensintensiven Branchen werden, davon ist der Spezialist für Neue Lernformen und computerunterstützte Lernformen, Dr. Jochen Robes, überzeugt, ihre Lernprozesse in Zukunft vermehrt selbst steuern. Joscha Remus sprach für CHECKpoint eLearning mit dem ehemaligen Drehbuchautor, Projektleiter und begeisterten Blogger über die neuen Herausforderungen,…
Interview: Casual Learning the Whole Week
CHECKpoint-eLearning.de – European eLearning Newsletter schrieb / wrote: Interview: Casual Learning the Whole Week: Informal learning is considered to be more flexible. The Internet Time Group has examined the differences between informal and formal learning approaches. The informal approach wins the race, is their opinion. It offers just-in-time, rapid access to always up to date…