Newsletter: European eCompetence Initiative

Dirk Schneckenberg schrieb / wrote: Von: Dirk Schneckenberg (dirk.schneckenberg [ät] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2004 13:07 An: mail [ät] Betreff: EU[eComp]Int: The Role of eCompetence in a sustainable eLearning Dear eLearning actors and observers, The successful integration of eLearning is, in most European higher education institutions, at the top of the agenda. Developing the proficiency of academic staff in the application of ICT is a vital ingredient for achieving a sustainable implementation of eLearning in our universities. The concept of ‚eCompetence‘ in European higher education is complex and many-faceted, and it is for this reason that a variety of institutions from across Europe (and beyond) have come together to form the European eCompetence Initiative, as a means to explore and reflect together on key developments in this important area, and to share our findings with the wider community. We would like to present you with news of our project’s activities, through our and newsletter and web pages. You can find a our newsletter at . We hope that you will find it of interest! Best Regards and a Happy New Year Dirk Schneckenberg — Dirk Schneckenberg, M.A. Center for Research on Higher Education and Faculty Development Vogelpothsweg 78 – 44227 Dortmund Phone: +49 231 755 55 37 eMail: dirk.schneckenberg [ät]


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