State of Repair
Some things break faster than you can fix them. Welcome to the State of Repair! My game for the Global Game Jam in Glarus Nord. Klick on the game to activate it. Then move the white square (arrow keys) to fix the holes without touching the dreadful red dot 🙂
Your First Steps with WebExtensions
We’ll program an extension for Chrome and Firefox. Create a folder and name it e.g. mywebex and a subfolder icons Save an icon named icon-48.png to the subfolder (48×48 pixels, png) Open Chrome and press Ctrl+Shift+I to open the builtin editor +Add folder to workspace (your folder) and allow the access Create a new file…
Star Bird Eggs
Star Bird Eggs is a genetic transmission speed game I made for the Global Game Jam (January 26 – 28, 2018). Guess the offspring (egg A or B) of two star birds (parents). This video explains the mechanism. All sounds recorded and edited with Audacity. Clone the repository and run it with Processing or download all…
Einsatz von Video-Tutorials in Kursen
Ich verwende oft und gerne Video-Tutorials in meinen Kursen. Wenn es längere Abläufe sind, biete ich zusätzlich schrittweise Anleitungen in Textform an (Beispiel). Damit sich das Video leichter nachvollziehen lässt, empfehle ich es einmal ganz anzusehen und danach Schritt für Schritt mitzumachen. Schlage jeweils auch vor, das Video auf dem Smart Phone zu öffnen und…
Freestyle Compo Griesbach 2017
English: The demoparty for people with a pleasure for creativity with the computer! At the «iNi» the specifications for the submission are discussed. After that you’ll design your demo and show it at the «eXe» Because we’ll freestyle, computer performance is the limit; (Non-) real-time demo, something interactive (e.g. a game), graphics, music, photo montage, animation,…
Old School Gaming
Take an Andorid tablet, the NESDroid, some NES30 game controllers, feed them some ROMs and use a Samsung AllShare Cast Dongle to connect everything to the beamer – you’re ready for retrogaming!
Share Your Tools
Show me yours and I’ll show you mine! Do you have tools you can not live without? We talked about free visualization … Gephi (graph viz platform) GNU Octave (scientific programming language) Processing (language for visual arts) VisIt (visualization, animation and analysis) … and live music manipulation tools: JACK (audio connection kit) Pure Data (visual…
The Most Popular Image in the World
A one by one transparent pixel […] is the most popular image in the world in terms of the number of times it has been downloaded and displayed. Of cause you can’t see it because it is transparent and the only purpose of this image is to collect information about you. This pixel lives on…
Eine Million Gründe zur Hoffnung im 2017
Benjamin Franklin soll gesagt haben: „Instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle.“ In diesem Sinne teile ich gerne das E-Mail zum Jahresbeginn von Avaaz.org – und ja, unbedingt mitmachen! Der Welt ist es noch nie besser gegangen. Ob Armutsbekämpfung oder Alphabetisierung, Emanzipation der Frauen oder Rückgang tödlicher Krankheiten ― in nahezu jeder Hinsicht geht…
Learn Version Control with Git
If you’ll ever attend a hackathon, hack day, hackfest or codefest sooner or later you’ll have to deal with Git – a free version control system for coders / hackers. Then this hands-on session (33c3 / CoSin) is for you! We’ll install Git, open your account at GitHub, create a new repository and start committing code…