Dirk Schneckenberg schrieb / wrote: From: Dirk Schneckenberg Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 2:20 PM To: Many 🙂 Subject: EU[eComp]Int: The Role of eLearning in the Bologna Process Dear eLearning actors and observers, Common re-definitions of the ‚e‘ in eLearning incline towards ‚education‘, ‚excellence in learning‘ or ‚enhancing learning‘, as these notions fit the wide innovation process in education much better than the narrow focus on the electronic aspect. Recently however, a new term is becoming popular. The term eBologna will assure that we won’t lose our connection to the ‚e‘ in the near future. There has been an eBologna conference in Ghent in 2003 and just in February eBologna was discussed in the german-speaking eLearning community in a workshop that took place in Frankfurt. The eBologna approach is one focus in the second newsletter of the European eCompetence Initiative. You can find the newsletter at http://www.ecompetence.info/newsletter/02/n2cover.html. We hope that you will find it of interest. Best regards, Dirk Schneckenberg — Dirk Schneckenberg, M.A. Center for Research on Higher Education and Faculty Development Vogelpothsweg 78 – 44227 Dortmund Phone: +49 231 755 55 37