ZHW BasketNight 2004

Erasmus Student Network

Erasmus Student Network: Logo of ESN Switzerland

Teams of ESN Winterthur

Team 1: ESN die wo sie machet (those who make it)

  1. Guillaume B-123abc-efve (Exchange Student)
  2. Merica M-123abc-cNeil (Captain; Teaching Assistant)
  3. Antonio M-123abc-oreira (Exchange Student)
  4. Roman M-123abc-üller (Student)
  5. Simon S-123abc-ersen (Exchange Student)
  6. Alban Zipper de F-123abc-abiani (Exchange Student)

Team 2: ESN Lakers

  1. Franziska B-123abc-ieri (ESN Winterthur)
  2. Karim D-123abc-jelid (ESN Winterthur)
  3. Luis F-123abc-ederer (ESN Winterthur)
  4. Pascal G-123abc-emperli (ESN International)
  5. Lars H-123abc-enning (ESN Switzerland)
  6. Sebastian L-123abc-udwig (Captain; ESN Winterthur)

Team 3: ESN Bulls

  1. Lisa H-123abc-olmgren (Exchange Student)
  2. Thomas M-123abc-attmüller (Student)
  3. Manuel I. O-123abc-slo (ESN Fribourg)
  4. Thomas P-123abc-aur (ESN Winterthur)
  5. Martin V-123abc-ögeli (Captain; ESN Winterthur)
  6. Anke V-123abc-erleger (Exchange Student)


All teams have to be at Rennweghalle (like VolleyNight) at 20:30 h. We’ll do some warm-up at 20:45 h and the first games start at 21:00 h.

The uniforms of our teams: black pants and white t-shirts. If you have wear knee and elbow pads. It is advisable to bring along something to eat and drink.


For those who are interested: Monday, March 29 we’ll have a basketball training. We’ll meet 17 h at the „Turnhalle Geiselweid“ (St. Gallerstrasse 1).

Ranking List

Winner Final


Looser Final

  1. ESN Bulls (ESN Winterthur)


2004/03/28 Martin: Let’s play Basketball!

2004/03/28 Martin: Our motto: Just for fun 🙂

2004/03/28 Manuel: Yeah… I do definitely like my ’new‘ name, damn, I should have thought of something like this much earlier… For those who don’t believe that I’m Manuel I., King of Oslo (His Majesty, the King of Norway, is King Harald, and I do NOT pretend to be his son…) – well, you’re right. I’m not.

Right, this was it for the moment; I’m looking forward to playing basketball and to meeting all you guys next Friday.

By the way: What are knee and elbow pads good for while playing basketball? Do I have to be worried about the roughness that you guys play it in Winti???


Manuel Terrier

2004/03/29 Martin: It’s the first BasketNight your Majesty and I don’t know about the roughness but I’ve got knee pads and I’ll wear them 😉

2004/03/29 Merica: I’m excited about the b-ball tourney, 3 ESN teams, that’s awesome!! And Manuel from Fribourg, cool. quite a commute. Did you guys hear that there might be an NBA recruiter coming to scout talent?!

2004/03/30 Anke: May be I^m blind and I^m blond but I don^t know at what time we^ll meet us and which location….???
I^m looking forward too, I^m honest, i^cant really play…sorry…can i read the theory 🙂
or be explained the rules before…I^m good in breaking them…an a little bit slowly…Sorry

…see you…(your stupid blond girl)…may be I^m better in cheerleading…(what`s about this kind of team ? does anybody change ?)

2004/03/30 Martin: The first games will begin at 21 h in the Rennweghalle. More information will follow as soon as possible (with the rule set and a map).

By the way, you are certainly not the only one who can’t play… That’s no big deal – it’s just for fun! But I’d like to see you cheerleading anyway 😉

2004/03/30 Manuel: Gosh, me too!!! – the cheerleading, I fully agree with Martin (which might be understandable, for some reason…).

Is the talent scout coming in order to look for new cheerleaders as well?

Anyway, I’m looking forward to meeting all you guys next Friday (especially the Bond girl… – blond girl, sorry…).

Seeya and regards from Fribourg


2004/04/01 Martin: Get a good night’s sleep…

2004/04/02 Martin: Today is the day 🙂

2004/04/02 Alain: Hi guys from E2 ESN Bulls. I am really gonna look forward to beat you! We are in the same group! E3. Cool! Martin, please don’t block me. CU later

2004/04/02 Martin: I’m also looking forward to playing against you – and if you don’t score voluntarily I don’t have to block you *g*

2004/04/02 Lars: Who is Alain *gäääähhhhnnnn….*?

2004/04/02 Martin: Alain is our enemy >:)

2004/04/03 Martin: ESN Bulls are the best of the loosers!

2004/04/03 Alain: Well, well! Although we lost already in the quater finals, I achieved my personal aim : To win against ESN! 🙂
Seriously, was great to play against you guys! Hope that you all are going to play football!

2004/04/03 Martin: Even though we lost twice I really liked to play against your team – you’ve performed some sophisticated moves and had really nice teammates…

Of course we’ll play football – and naturally the motto again is just for fun! I hope to see you on Monday – I’ll try to smash the way you do but fail completely 🙁

2004/04/03 Martin: Guillaume: Get well soon!

2004/04/03 Manuel: Alright, this is it. I can’t remember any moment of my life I felt worse than today, you guys really killed me. I prefer any hangover to this…

But it was a great night, really; and I’d like to thank you all. First (and foremo??t???u??st) to Merica, who was a very nice host: Meeeerci – je me réjouis de la prochaine fois; on ne se parlera qu’en français!

But also thanks a lot of course to my team mates, to very charming Anke (ladies first, lads), and as well to the tough guys Martin, Thomas and Antonio. I had a good time (even though – believe me! – travelling back this morning in the train was not a pleasant experience. Ask Pascal…)!

And I’m looking forward to seeing you guys again.

Regards from Fribourg


2004/04/03 Martin: I don’t know about hangovers because I don’t drink too much! But I’m also kind of tired now – we finished the clean up at about five o’clock…

2004/04/05 Merica (Dr. Dunk): Merci beaucoup!!! to all of you!!!
Loved every second of it!!!
Maybe next year we can make it a from dusk til dawn tournament? ; )
Dust off your cleats and get ready to play
At the soccer tourney after the holiday!
(p.s. optional: imagine these lines accompanied by a good base line beat, human beat box anybody out there, freestyle rappers?)

2004/04/14 Martin: Some pix from the BasketNight!

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