ZHW BasketNight 2006
Erasmus Student Network: Logo of ESN Switzerland Team(s) of ESN Winterthur ESN Bulls Sven H-abc123-agedorn Lars H-abc123-enning Adriana P-abc123-erez Martin V-abc123-ögeli Fabian W-abc123-obmann Alex P-abc123-aur Information Group list, game table and rules (in German) Official information and registration (in German) Our pre-event: Swiss economy at a glance
The uniforms of our team: black pants…
ZHW BasketNight 2005
Erasmus Student Network: Logo of ESN Switzerland Team of ESN Winterthur The „ESN Winterthur Bulls“ Marc B. Steffen H. Alain. L. Katia R. Anke V. Martin V. Karim D. Information Group list, game table and rules (in German) Official information and registration (in German) Pictures from the ZHW BasketNight 2004 All teams have to be…
ZHW BasketNight 2004
Erasmus Student Network: Logo of ESN Switzerland Teams of ESN Winterthur Team 1: ESN die wo sie machet (those who make it) Guillaume B-123abc-efve (Exchange Student) Merica M-123abc-cNeil (Captain; Teaching Assistant) Antonio M-123abc-oreira (Exchange Student) Roman M-123abc-üller (Student) Simon S-123abc-ersen (Exchange Student) Alban Zipper de F-123abc-abiani (Exchange Student) Team 2: ESN Lakers Franziska B-123abc-ieri (ESN…