[Design] Assignment 5.1 Concept Testing (One Concept)

Problem statement: With the course evaluation software it will be possible to get feedback from participants / students.

Concept testing: I conducted an interview with two future users of the software. They had a look at the concepts / prototypes and pointed out what’s missing (i.e. distinguish different courses, classes and trainers) from their point of view. Based on this input I made some adjustments to the chosen concept / prototype „1-click survey“ (A).

Process for the „1-click survey“ (A):

Remark: Click the images for a bigger versions…

Step 1: trainer creates survey (inputs are optional)

Step: Create 1-click survey (A)
Step 1: 1-click survey

Step 2: trainer informs participants about survey

Step 3: participants complete survey

Additional concept: Survey
Step 3: Survey

Step 4: participants earn reward for survey completion

Concept: Rewards (E)
Step 4: Reward for completing survey

Step 5: trainer gets aggregated survey results

Concept: Results with radar chart (G)
Step 5: Results with radar chart

Assignment: Your goal this week is to pick a single design concept. Ideally you would base this decision on some kind of concept test with your target users. However, you may not be able to decide on just one direction yet, and if that is the case, you may carry forward TWO concepts. Remember that carrying forward two concepts just means more work continuing to explore two different directions, so in the ideal case, you would narrow the solution concept to just one [12 points total]. Post your website link that includes for Week #5:

  1. The concept you are pursuing, with whatever refinements you have made to date. Ideally you will use what you have learned in the visual expression modules. (However, in some cases the domains you are working in will not lend themselves to sketching as we have taught it.) Make sure to annotate the concept so it is clear to your peer evaluators. [4 points]
  2. A short description of the process you used to test your concept (or concepts) with target users. This may be a concept test in which you pose three alternatives and ask users to pick their preferred alternative. It could be a concept test in which you measure „purchase intent“ with the five-point intention scale explained in the video. Really, the main objective is to show some users some concepts and/or prototypes and get their feedback. [8 points]

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