Literature Review: Literature Review of E-Assessment

Keri Facer, Director of Learning Research NESTA Futurelab schrieb / wrote: Literature Review: Literature Review of E-Assessment: Assessment practices shape, possibly more than any other factor, what is taught and how it is taught in schools. At the same time, these assessment practices serve as the focus (perhaps the only focus in this day and age) for a shared societal debate about what we, as a society, think are the core purposes and values of education. If we wish to create an education system that reflects and contributes to the development of our changing world, then we need to ask how we might change assessment practices to achieve this. schrieb / wrote: Literaturübersicht: E-Prüfungen: E-Prüfungen (e-Assessments) sind das Thema … nicht im E-Learning, sondern im Rahmen der Bologna-Reform. Kein Wunder, rechnen doch einige Hochschulen mit zehnmal mehr Prüfungen als vor der Reform. Durch einen Bericht der e-learning reviews bin ich auf die Publikation von Ridgway und McCusker gestossen: "Literature Review of E-Assessment". (PDF) Das ist erstmal Lesestoff!


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