schrieb / wrote: Learning Goes Mobile: Mobile learning has big implications for e-learning, but I’m more interested in e-paper, which is making good progress. Something that has the affordances of a book and of digital devices ought to be given serious thought. schrieb / wrote: Learning Goes Mobile: ‚Mobile learning gives the front-line workforce – such as a retail sales associate, soldier or cable repairman – the access to the critical information sources, learning materials and expertise to learn what they want, where they want, when they want.‘ Comment: Aside from the very abused term ‚what, where, when‘ learning, this article does provide an overview how learning can be delivered through tools many people already have (PDA, cell phone). Being tethered to a computer to receive information doesn’t make sense. Information should be accessible to users in the format they need to do their work…they shouldn’t have to adjust their work to access information. schrieb / wrote: April 06, 2004: ‚Consumers will snap a staggering 29 billion photos with their camera phones this year.‘ Now, this is some disruption — not only in photo taking, but also in photo sharing. Guess applications that will take your photo and your narration of it and post it to a Flash slideshow in realtime are not too far away!