Article: Use of plagiarism-detection software grows
http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/et/archive/2004_04_04_archive.html#108133594221945676 schrieb / wrote: Use of plagiarism-detection software grows – eSchool News: For years, educators at colleges and universities have marshaled software tools to ensure that their students‘ work is original. Now, tainted by scandals or leery of the internet’s copy-enabling power, a growing number of newspapers, law firms, and other businesses are also using…
Conference: IA Summit 2004 Wrapup
http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/cat_information_design.asp schrieb / wrote: IA Summit 2004 Wrapup: Wonderful conference coverage with handouts: Day 1 and Day 2. http://www.boxesandarrows.com/archives/day_1_ia_summit_2004_wrapup.php http://www.boxesandarrows.com/archives/day_2_ia_summit_2004_wrapup.php phpBB(Topic435|Post568)
Article: Net aid for Palestinian students
http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/click/rss/0.91/public/-/1/hi/technology/3497918.stm schrieb / wrote: Net aid for Palestinian students: A leading university in the Palestinian territories is going online to better teach its students. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3497918.stm phpBB(Topic434|Post567)
Report: Online education programs continue climb
http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/cat_news.asp schrieb / wrote: Online education programs continue climb: Eduventures reports that the number of online enrollments will reach 1 million by 2005. http://boston.bizjournals.com/boston/stories/2004/03/08/daily22.html http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/cat_news.asp schrieb / wrote: The university ‚market‘ is here: Now you know the main driver: ‚It is estimated that overseas students are worth about 1bn in fee income to universities and…
Article: How to Be an Educated E-Learning Consumer
http://www.elearnspace.org/blog/archives/001577.html schrieb / wrote: How to Be an Educated E-Learning Consumer: ‚What are the specific learning needs of your audience and how many people will realistically use the courses? Does the content really meet the needs of the audience?‘ http://www.learningcircuits.org/2004/mar2004/guest.htm phpBB(Topic432|Post565)
Article: Desperately Seeking Software Simulations
http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/cat_learning_design.asp schrieb / wrote: Desperately Seeking Software Simulations: Nice overview of where, when and how software simulations should be used. It also includes the different types of authoring tools that can be used for authoring simulations — from apps that create screen caps to apps that automatically create practices, tests and even documentations. http://www.elearnmag.org/subpage/sub_page.cfm?section=4&list_item=13&page=1 phpBB(Topic431|Post564)
Wettbewerb: Vier innovative Bildungsprojekte ausgezeichnet
Blended Learning schrieb / wrote: Compendio Bildungsmedien: Vier innovative Bildungsprojekte ausgezeichnet: Im Rahmen des 1. Forums ‚Blended Learning‘, veranstaltet von der Frey Akademie und Compendio Bildungsmedien, wurde zum ersten Mal der mit CHF 5000.00 dotierte Preis ‚Innovative Bildungsprojekte Schweiz‘ verliehen. Ausgezeichnet wurden Blended-Learning-Bildungsmassnahmen der Basler Versicherungen, der Gewerblich-industriellen Berufsschule Bern (Gibb), der KPP Consulting GmbH,…
Artikel: Durchstarten Zuhause
Google News Alert – eLearning schrieb / wrote: Durchstarten Zuhause: Der Einzug des Internets in die Fortbildungsszene eröffnet ungeahnte Karrieremöglichkeiten: Einzelne Studiengänge können in freier Zeiteinteilung am heimischen Computer absolviert werden. An Präsenzphasen führt allerdings kein Weg vorbei. http://www.manager-magazin.de/koepfe/artikel/0,2828,294250,00.html phpBB(Topic429|Post562)
Study: Internet Third Place in Media Usage
http://www.marketingvox.com/archives/2004/04/05/internet_third_place_in_media_usage_to_exceed_radio_next/ schrieb / wrote: Internet Third Place in Media Usage: A MediaPost story notes that video games are fast exceeding print media in terms of consumer usage, especially among the young and male among us, but it failed to prominently note that the Internet already exceeds all print vehicles among all demographics. In the young…
Article: Complexity and Design
http://www.elearningpost.com/archives/cat_big_picture.asp schrieb / wrote: Complexity and Design: Jay Cross makes an interesting observation on complexity, the new meme on the block: ‚Why has complexity become my recurring obsession? Perhaps because complexity challenges the bedrock of Isaac Newton, rationality, cause and effect, an ordered universe, and faith in logic. The worldview I believed in for the…