Schlagwort: alpha

  • Actor Driving Through „Process 0“ (VFX)

    Actor Driving Through „Process 0“ (VFX)

    The exercise was to create a composition of a green screen clip. I took the driving actor provided by the course instructors and added a variation of Process 0 in the background: I used Blender’s node editor for the task. This video tutorial helped me a lot! The soundtrack „The Simplest (Sting)“ by Jingle Punks…

  • [Design] Assignment 6.1 Alpha Prototype

    Problem statement: With the course evaluation software trainers / teachers get feedback from participants / students. Submission: Open the alpha prototype (website) and perform the following actions in order to evaluate the prototype: Trainer: Click „Create“, select class, course & trainer and click „Create survey“ Trainer: Save the two links you get, now you would…