[Design] Assignment 6.1 Alpha Prototype

Problem statement: With the course evaluation software trainers / teachers get feedback from participants / students.

Submission: Open the alpha prototype (website) and perform the following actions in order to evaluate the prototype:

  1. Trainer: Click „Create“, select class, course & trainer and click „Create survey“
  2. Trainer: Save the two links you get, now you would send the 1st link to the participants
  3. Participants: Open the 1st link and fill in the survey (repeat this step a few times)
  4. Trainer: Open the 2nd link and view the results of your survey
  5. That’s it! Future versions of the software will include meaningful questions…

PS: There are some screen shots of the software available in last week’s submission 5.1 Concept Testing (One Concept).

Assignment: You have been refining solution concepts for two weeks now. This week, you should commit to the design you will take to completion.

Post photographs of your ALPHA Prototype. (The terms „alpha“ and „beta“ are somewhat arbitrary. Usually, an „alpha“ is something that would not be confused with the final version of the artifact, but which integrates most elements of both appearance and function into a single comprehensive prototype).

If your artifact is a website, the alpha should be a functioning website. If your artifact is a physical object, the alpha should be a physical object you can let a user try. If your artifact is a building, there may not be a conventional „alpha“ and your prototype may be a quite refined model (either digital or physical). Because of construction costs, comprehensive prototypes are not usually created for buildings.

Your alpha may be a stepping stone to the „beta“ due next week. That is, if your artifact were an outdoor garden, you might build the first version this week, and do some further refinement next week to create the „beta.“ In the case of physical goods, you might do an alpha this week, and completely re-work the physical object for next week. We need to be a little bit flexible in the definitions and expectations here, as there are so many design domains represented among the class projects. Rubric (total 15 points):

  • Student clearly identified the gap [1 point]
  • Student posted images/photos of the alpha prototype – consider how well the student addressed the gap, and to what extent of completion and quality the alpha prototype is so that users can identify how well it addresses the gap. Remember that the „final“ prototype is not due until next week [10 points]
  • Student clearly explained the prototype so that it could be evaluated [4 points]


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