Schlagwort: macromedia

  • Sequence of Sounds

    Clip | Source

  • Parabola

    Clip | Source

  • 30 Jahre Martin Vögeli

    Ein Leben in acht Bildern:) Die Flash-Präsentation Animation | Quelle

  • Draw an Ellipse: drawEllipse()

    Clip | Source

  • Function Associated to Every Instance of a Symbol

    Clip | Source Click on the buttons left of the grey square (instances of the symbol ClpClass) and it will show or hide itself. Click on the square and it will rotate. The two functions needed are defined once in the symbol ClpClass.

  • Kurs 2004/08/23

    Gewünschtes Programm Einbetten von kurzen Audio- und Videosequenzen in Powerpoint. Zusammenbau aller Elemente (mit Text, Hyperlinks und Animationen) zu einem Multimedia-Dossier in den Formaten PPS und PDF. Kurze Grundlagen der Filmbearbeitung der Videosequenzen (einfache Funktionen wie schneiden, Einbau von Text): Möglichkeiten z. B. mit QuickTime (einfache und kostengünstige Software) Möglichkeiten zur Reduktion der Datenmengen (webfähiges PDF…

  • Barber Pole

    Clip | Source

  • Define Path with Mouse and Draw Line

    Clip | Source An ActionScript Snippet Example by birdy1976 // STEP 1 // run this script and press the // mouse button to record your path var i = 0; var flagRecord = false; var flagPlay = false; var arrXPos = new Array(); var arrYPos = new Array(); // // STEP 2 // copy and…

  • Slide to Random Position on Mouse rollOver

    Clip | Source ActionScript onClipEvent (load) {   var intStageSizeX = 300;   var intStageSizeY = 300;   var fltRandomX;   var fltRandomY;   this.onRollOver = function() {     do {       fltRandomX = Math.random()*(intStageSizeX-this._width)                    +this._width/2;       fltRandomY = Math.random()*(intStageSizeY-this._height)                    +this._height/2;     } while (Math.abs(fltRandomX-this._x) < 2*this._width ||              Math.abs(fltRandomY-this._y) < 2*this._height);     this.onEnterFrame = function() {       var fltDeltaX = (fltRandomX-this._x)/4;       var fltDeltaY = (fltRandomY-this._y)/4;       this._x…

  • Circle Rotation Depending on Mouse Position

    Clip | Source The ActionScript Snippet onClipEvent (load) {   // set parameters:   // amplify the speed   var k = 0.03; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) {   // loop:   // recalculate the rotation   this._rotation = this._rotation-k*(_parent._xmouse-this._x); }