[Design] Assignment 7.1 Beta/Final Prototype


1) Name: I dub thee [evaluieren.ch]. That’s the German word for „to evaluate“ and this is what my software does…

2) Images: Submission 5.1 Concept Testing (One Concept) provides some mockup images. The key feature of the web-based software is to provide an easy way to evaluate the courses / trainers of a particular educational establishment with a predefined questionnaire completed by the participants. It also generates a visualization of the given answers.

3) Problem statement: With the course evaluation software trainers / teachers collect feedback from participants / students. It is cost-efficient, allows anonymous data acquisition and provides easy access for trainers to survey results. The front-end framework Bootstrap contributes a layout, which allows customisation for a given corporate design.

Furthermore, the course evaluation software implements a persistent storage in a database (namely MySQL), open (text input) and closed (multiple choice) questions in the questionnaire and it runs on all devices (smart phones, portable computers, desktop PCs etc.). As a programming language the general-purpose scripting language PHP was chosen.

4) Next steps: The next step will be the translation of the front-end to German and the substitution of the dummy questions with the existing questionnaire provided by the customer. Yes, I’ve got a customer… After some additional improvements and the implementation of pending customer requests there will be a beta test with a focus group.

5) How-to: Open the beta prototype (website) and perform the following actions in order to evaluate the software:

  1. You’re the trainer: Click “Create”, select class, course & trainer and click “Create survey”
  2. You’re the trainer: Save the two links you get, now you would send the 1st link to the participants
  3. You’re the participant(s): Open the 1st link and fill in the survey (repeat this step a few times)
  4. You’re the trainer: Open the 2nd link and view the results; sample results with dummy text (PDF)
  5. That’s it! Future versions of the software will include meaningful questions and more fun stuff 😉

Closing remarks: Please write a comment if you find a bug or you’re missing an important feature…

Assignment: Post your website address and include under Week 7:

  1. The name you will give your artifact. This could be a brand or product name if you are doing something in a commercial context, or could simply be what you will call this artifact. I would like you to use your skills in naming from the video modules this week to create this name.
  2. One or more nice images of your prototype. (In most cases this will be a photograph, but in the case of websites or other non-physical artifacts, you may use other types of images.) Provide some annotation or explanation of the artifact if needed to understand how it works and its key features.
  3. Some background on the gap you addressed and your problem definition (e.g., the key user needs).
  4. A very short (i.e., one paragraph) description of what the next steps would be to further refine and develop your artifact.
  5. Any other information you feel might be interesting to your classmates, or relevant to evaluating your work.

This information need not be lengthy. You can probably provide this information in the equivalent of 1-2 pages. However, you are welcome to provide more detail. Just, be sure that the important information (i.e.,items 1-4 above) are presented clearly and concisely so that someone can easily understand what you have done.

There are 18 possible points for this week. If you do not see a post please reach out to the person via their website to make sure that it’s not just a technical error that may appear as if they did not do the assignment.

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