Article: Jakob Nielsen on e-learning
http://www.elearningpost.com/blog/jakob_nielsen_on_e_learning/ schrieb / wrote: Article: Jakob Nielsen on e-learning: Jakob Nielsen flags out e-learning in his recent article on Writing style for print vs. web: "I continue to believe in the linear, author-driven narrative for educational purposes. I just don’t believe the Web is optimal for delivering this experience." http://www.useit.com/alertbox/print-vs-online-content.html phpBB(Topic513|Post3560)
Article: Long vs. Short Articles as Content Strategy
http://www.elearningpost.com/blog/long_vs_short_articles_as_content_strategy/ schrieb / wrote: Article: Long vs. Short Articles as Content Strategy: Jakob Nielsen on when to use short articles and when to use long articles. As expected the answer "depends" on your users "dietary" preferences. If you want many readers, focus on short and scannable content. This is a good strategy for advertising-driven sites…
Paper: 7 Things You Should Know About Digital Storytelling
http://www.educause.edu/LibraryDetailPage/666?ID=ELI7021 schrieb / wrote: Paper: 7 Things You Should Know About Digital Storytelling: Digital storytelling involves combining narrative with digital content to create a short movie. Digital stories can include interactive movies with highly produced audio and visual effects or presentation slides with narration or music. Some learning theorists believe that as a pedagogical technique,…
Report: Include Extreme Points of View In Group Decisions
http://www.elearningpost.com/site/include_extreme_points_of_view_in_group_decisions/ schrieb / wrote: Report: Include Extreme Points of View In Group Decisions: This report from the Stanford Graduate School of Business tells us that: "When designing a group decision-making process for potentially biased managers, intuition tells us that throwing out extreme opinions neutralizes the most severe biases among the group’s members and leads to…
Intelligence, Cognitive Reflection, and Decision Making
http://www.elearningpost.com/blog/intelligence_cognitive_reflection_and_decision_making/ schrieb / wrote: Video: Intelligence, Cognitive Reflection, and Decision Making: This is a MIT World video featuring Shane Frederick, professor at MIT Sloan School of Management. Shane talks about his research findings on risk-taking behavior and cognitive reflection. Frederick found 3,000 plus subjects — mostly university students across the U.S. – to answer his…
Article: Knowledge Lies in Narrative
http://www.elearningpost.com/blog/knowledge_lies_in_narrative/ schrieb / wrote: Article: Knowledge Lies in Narrative: Gary Klein on making knowledge visible by using narrative: "It is usually easier to teach people by developing a series of vignettes that bring that tacit knowledge to life for others. That is the point of knowledge management. It is not enough to elicit information, you…
Interview: Making the Best ‚Right‘ Decision
http://www.elearningpost.com/blog/making_the_best_right_decision/ schrieb / wrote: Interview: Making the Best ‚Right‘ Decision: Interesting interview (podcasts) with Joseph Badaracco, Professor of Business Ethics at Harvard Business School, on making decisions on "right vs. right problems". And according to him, it boils down to being aware of character and values, pinning down potential consequences and figuring out what’s actually…
Article: ‚Sleeping on it‘ best for complex decisions
http://www.elearningpost.com/blog/sleeping_on_it_best_for_complex_decisions/ schrieb / wrote: Article: ‚Sleeping on it‘ best for complex decisions: It’s intuition again: "Complex decisions are best left to your unconscious mind to work out, according to a new study, and over-thinking a problem could lead to expensive mistakes… Sleeping on a big decision, such as buying a car or house, is more…
Video-Podcasts: Corporate storytelling
http://www.elearningpost.com/site/corporate_storytelling/ schrieb / wrote: Video-Podcasts: Corporate storytelling: This is fun, weekend viewing smile 😉 Check out the one on storytelling. Thanks to Shawn Callahan. http://www.despair.com/spin.html phpBB(Topic513|Post2365)
Article: How Do You Start Telling an Engaging Tale?
http://www.elearningpost.com/site/how_do_you_start_telling_an_engaging_tale/ schrieb / wrote: Article: How Do You Start Telling an Engaging Tale? Amy Gahran has written about the art of the 2-second statements (a.k.a elevator pitches). She discovers that… "The point is to set compelling context in a way that engages listeners and inspires them to ask questions. This gets them involved in the…